Africa’s long term development prospects and the impact of alternative global scenarios
A University of Johannesburg Faculty of Law public lecture
Date: 06 May 2024
Time: 16h00 – 18h00 (GMT+2)
Venue: Conference Room 1, STH, Bunting Road, APB, registration required
The African Futures & Innovation (AFI) program at the Pretoria office of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) has modelled various global scenarios to explore the impact that increased tensions could have on the continent’s development prospects. AFI hosts the African Futures website, a unique platform that models and forecasts Africa’s development potential for all African countries and regions. Dr Jakkie Cilliers from the AFI-ISS will present Africa’s long term development prospects and the impact that alternative global scenario could have.
Moderator: Dr Swikani Ncube
Speaker: Jakkie Cilliers
Image: Nothing Ahead/Pexels
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