Africa's development prospects in alternative global scenarios

Africa's development prospects in alternative global scenarios


This seminar will present Africa’s long‑term development prospects in an optimal Sustainable World global scenario.


This seminar will present Africa’s long‑term development prospects in an optimal Sustainable World global scenario using the African Futures website that has modelled the combined impact of various sector interventions.

These range from an agriculture revolution, to leapfrogging and the full implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The positive results from potential progress in the Sustainable World scenario will then be compared with Africa’s development potential in a Divided World (closest to the current global trajectory), a World at War and a Growth World scenario.

This seminar is co-hosted by the University of the Free State and Stellenbosch University.

Development partners

The ISS is grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

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