Imagining Democratic Futures in Southern Africa and South Asia

Imagining Democratic Futures in Southern Africa and South Asia


International IDEA's Democracy Assessment Unit is hosting a discussion event on Thursday, 3 April 2025, aimed at exploring how strategic foresight can help shape democratic futures.


This discussion event explores key insights from International IDEA’s recent foresight reports, highlighting how governments and institutions can better navigate uncertainties and complexities beyond the expected to plan for positive democratic outcomes.

Drawing on expert discussions from two separate regional forums held in collaboration with the Centre for Policy Alternatives (Sri Lanka) and the Institute for Security Studies (South Africa), we examine different possible futures in South Asia and Southern Africa. Rather than attempting to predict the future, foresight enhances present-day decision-making, equipping policymakers and practitioners with tools to strengthen democracy in a rapidly changing world.


Note: A recording will be sent to participants upon registration. 

Agenda items

Opening remarks

  • Katarzyna Gardapkhadze, Director of Global Programmes, International IDEA


  • Jakkie Cilliers, Chairperson of the Board and Head of African Futures & Innovation programme, Institute for Security Studies

Presentation of the Southern Africa report

  • David Towriss, Adviser for Democracy Assessment Unit, International IDEA

  • Mandipa Ndlovu, Researcher for the African Studies Centre, Leiden University

Presentation of the South Asia report

  • Michael Runey, Adviser for Democracy Assessment Unit, International IDEA 

  • Namrata Raju, Independent Labour and Public Policy Researcher


  • Moderator: Seema Shah, Head of Democracy Assessment Unit, International IDEA

Closing remarks

  • Seema Shah, Head of Democracy Assessment Unit, International IDEA

Hosted by

We advance democracy worldwide, as a universal human aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development, through support to the building, strengthening and safeguarding of democratic political institutions and processes at all levels.


Development partners

The ISS is grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

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