How the DRC can transform its long-term prospects

How the DRC can transform its long-term prospects


Improvements in specific sectors could reverse the country's poor human and economic development track record.


Despite its abundant natural resources, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) ranks near the bottom in various development indicators. Its average income is significantly below levels at independence in 1960.

This seminar will discuss new research results on the DRC’s likely human and economic development prospects to 2050, and how certain sectoral improvements could transform the country’s fortunes.

This seminar is co-hosted by the Institute for Security Studies and the Egmont Institute.

Simultaneous English-French translation will be provided for this event.

Chair and speakers

Chair: Dr Valérie Arnould, Senior Research Fellow, Africa Programme, Egmont, Royal Institute for International Relations


Dr Yeboua Kouassi, Researcher, African Futures and Innovation, ISS Pretoria

Dr David Zounmenou, Senior Research Consultant, ISS

Hans Hoebeke, Senior Associate Fellow, Africa Programme, Egmont, Royal Institute for International Relations

Juvénal Munubo, Member of the DRC Parliament (UNC, Walikale, North Kivu) and Lawyer


Zachel van Aswegen, Email: [email protected]

Development partners

This seminar is funded by the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Canada, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the USA.

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