Can new leadership transform the DRC’s fortunes?

Can new leadership transform the DRC’s fortunes?


A recent study of the country’s long-term prospects outlines specific areas for government intervention.


An analysis of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) human and economic development prospects to 2050 models’ various complementary scenarios. It shows the benefit of boosting infrastructure, improving agricultural production and providing quality education and health care.

These gains can, however, only be realised if the DRC’s government builds transparent and accountable institutions and improves public financial management. This seminar will discuss the country’s prospects and challenges.

Simultaneous English–French interpretation will be provided.

This seminar is co-hosted by the ISS and the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

Chair and speakers 

Chair: Stephanie Wolters, Senior Research Fellow, SAIIA


Dr Yeboua Kouassi, Researcher, African Futures and Innovation, ISS Pretoria

Prof Daniel Mukoko Samba, former Deputy Prime Minister, DRC


Yeboua Kouassi, [email protected]

Development partners

This seminar is funded by the Hanns Seidel Foundation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Canada, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the USA.

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